HRF Annual Membership Meeting and Stephen’s Rose Garden Chronicles, 2023 Edition
Members and friends of the Heritage Rose Foundation are invited to take part the annual Heritage Rose Foundation membership meeting to be held in conjunction with the 2023 National Convention of the American Rose Society May 5th-7th at The American Rose Center in Shreveport. And be sure to join me on Saturday afternoon for the newest edition of my “Rose Garden Chronicles,” recalling the countless joys (and occasional tribulations) I’ve encountered in the course of my forty years as a rosarian, curator, gardener and consultant for gardens both public and private across the country and around the world.
Come spend the weekend with us and enjoy a schedule of speakers and seminars (details at the link below) with special events planned throughout—including rose exhibition, judging and awards, “Home on the Bayou” dinner & music, a “Famous, Rare and Heritage Rose Auction,” garden tours and more. To register, visit the Dallas Rose Society link below.